I was struck today by a chapter in Hole in the Gospel that talked about the feeding of the 5000. In this chapter, Stearns talks about the perspective of the little boy in the story who offers up his food to the disciples.
"As the little boy, who had given his lunch, looked on, can you imagine the joy he must have felt, seeing his gift multiplied by God to feed thousands of hungry people, many of whom he probably knew? It was his lone "puzzle piece" that completed this miracle of God. When we, as Christians, are willing to lay our pieces down on the table, we, too, can take part in God's "multiplication." But, if we are unwilling, we will assuredly, miss out on every opportunity to be used by God in a powerful and amazing way."
I am thankful for this today. I never read this passage thinking of the boy's perspective on this miracle. I'm left wonder what are my "pieces" that I am holding onto...what do I need to lay on the table before the Lord to be given the chance to take part in God's multiplication!
May I not be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task that God has given us, but be able to focus on what my part is in this great story...