Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Biblical Church

Ok, I tried to post this and one other sermon by Rich Nathan (Vineyard Columbus) a week ago and had a problem doing it. I'm trying it again. I was just going to post one, "the thoroughly converted church", but after Jon's post below I thought "the Biblical church" was very applicable as well. Hope you can take some time to listen to both sermons. Biblical church was preached before thoroughly converted church and they are both based on book of Acts.




1 comment:

  1. From the Biblical Church
    The correct interpretation is the one that points to Christ. A resounding YES! And I would pray that we would not be stiff necked or resistant to Christ's leading and lordship over our lives.

    I was also struck by the similar theme in Ezekiel 1 where emphasis was put on God being outside of space and time; that God is not bound to one place but can move (is moving) everywhere and at all times.

    I look forward to a the next clip (time to go to bed).
