Below is a blog post on Desiring God's website (the ministry of John Piper.) I'm not sure who wrote it, but he raises some very interesting points surrounding God's sovereignty and giving thanks for our circumstances. I know that many of our SG discussions inevitably come back to God's sovereignty and how it plays out in terms of evolution, cancer, world events, etc. For better or worse this author assumes God's sovereignty and then talks about the implications of being born in our circumstances and the logical response to them.
I know I'm convicted by this thought: "We are surrounded by clear, tangible, practical blessings from God that should be so easily recognized and enjoyed. But our eyes and hearts are too often and too easily diverted toward what we don't have by the power and persuasion of advertising and social pressure. Lord, forgive us for our lack of thanksgiving!"
I know I often tend to use the "why are certain people born here..." argument to condemn God rather than to thank him for the circumstances I was born into and pray for and work for God's kingdom being built in areas where people are not so fortunate.
Convicting article and challenges me to give more and do more for others. Thanks for sharing, Bjorn.